I just finished rewriting and testing the new Multiplayer server for PONG!, so multiplayer gaming for Firefox is now available 24/7 again! The new ASP.net server application runs at pongmplobby.captaincaveman.nl and should be able to handle all you PONG! addicts much better then the Delphi application did when I moved to Windows Vista a month ago. I do anticipate it to be a little bit less stable and responsive, but the good news it that it will simply reset itself when it encounters a problem, and so it will nearly always be available. When I have a bit more time I will also update the pongmplobby website a bit to display some more useful information, but for now you can only see how long it has been running, and how many people are currently online. Please report any problems on my forum, and most importantly enjoy gaming again!
PONG! Multiplayer server online again!
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