It has been a while since the last update, but then again, what's to update in a simple yet great working little grocery list generator. So what has changed? Well, after reading numerous posts on blogs that it looks a bit too “old”, I decided to give it a little face lift, tweaked the user interface a bit, and added new icons created by my mate LX from There's also an option to minimize 1 of the overviews (dishes or items), and I made it compatible with Mozilla's e-mail application Thunderbird. Handy for those times when you get one of those e-mails from your girlfriend reminding you that her parents are coming over for dinner tonight… I also fixed a couple of annoying bugs, so I hope it's now stable enough to trust the GLG with all your favorite recipes. Enjoy shopping.
You can install it from the Grocery List Generator subpage
Grocery List Generator 1.5 released!
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